State Employee Health Plan

Change to SEHP Benefits Related to COVID-19 Effective April 1, 2021

March 18, 2021

As part of the state’s comprehensive response to COVID-19, the State Employee Health Plan has made a change to the coverage of benefits related to COVID-19.

All members will receive a copy of this notice through their preferred email address that was provided through the Member Administration Portal (MAP) during open enrollment.

Important Update About Using Non Network Providers

 Effective April 1, 2021, the SEHP will no longer cover the full cost of services related to COVID-19 when received through a Non Network provider.

If a member seeks care for COVID-19 services from a Non Network provider, it may result in additional out-of-pocket costs to the member. These services will only be covered at the same level of allowable charges as Network providers. Any amount over the allowable charges will be considered non-covered and will be the responsibility of the member. In addition, services received from a Non Network provider will be subject to the Non Network deductible and coinsurance portion of the medical plan. The deductible and out-of-pocket maximums for Non Network services accumulate separately from the Network deductible and out-of-pocket maximums. 

To search for a Network provider, please consult the provider directory for your respective medical plan vendor.

 Should you have any questions, please contact the State Employee Health Plan at

Benefits Extended through May 28, 2021

The SEHP has extended the benefits outlined below through 05/28/2021 when provided by a Network provider. The Health Plan will continue to consider these benefits for further extension as the deadline approaches.

  1. The State Employee Health Plan (SEHP) will cover medically necessary diagnostic tests that are consistent with CDC guidance related to COVID-19 at no cost share to the member, where it is not covered as part of the Public Health Service response.
  2. The SEHP will allow early refills on 30 or 90-day prescription medications and/or allow members to use their mail-order benefit.
  3. Given the nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, seeking in-person medical care has the potential to further spread the virus. The SEHP partners with Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas to provide Telehealth services with a virtual doctor’s office. There is 24/7/365 access to this service. The member cost share will be waived for any Telehealth service.
  4. The HealthQuest Health Center which is operated by Marathon Health provides various services related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including COVID testing and telehealth appointments and is located at 901 S. Kansas Ave., Topeka, KS. 
    • COVID-19 testing is currently available for all state employees, all employees of active Non State employers, and all spouses and dependents over 10 years of age covered by the State Employee Health Plan at the HealthQuest Health Center.  Curbside testing is available by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please call 785-783-4080. 
    • To schedule a telehealth appointment, SEHP members can call (785) 783-4080 or Marathon Health Login

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