(785) 783-4080
About Your Benefits
The HealthQuest Rewards Program is a wellness incentive program offered by the State Employee Health Plan that promotes health and wellness through incentives and information.
Participants who complete activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional wellness earn credits towards premium discounts and/or HRA/HSA reward dollars.
Participation in HealthQuest programs is always voluntary and strictly confidential. Participation is not mandatory but highly encouraged.
Program Deadlines
Premium Incentive
Discount Earning Period is January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025.
HRA/HSA Contribution Earning Period is January 1, 2025 to November 14, 2025.
Plans C, J, and N Incentive Guide 2025
All HealthQuest members who get a flu shot and/or COVID vaccine or booster will receive five HealthQuest Credits. A yearly vaccine is the first and most important step in protecting against viruses.
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a special service provided for benefits-eligible employees and their dependents at no charge.
Program Accessibility
Each person’s path to well-being is unique and personal. HealthQuest is designed to offer all participants the opportunity to access the activities and resources offered through this program.
As part of that accessibility, if a participant feels unable to access or participate in an activity, challenge, or resource due to personal limitations, you may request reasonable alternatives to earn your HealthQuest credits and continue your personal path to wellness.
Reasonable alternatives may be requested by contacting us at
The State Employee Health Plan is committed to ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of our members' Protected Health Information (PHI). Any information gathered during a health screening, Personal Health Assessment or any other HealthQuest service is considered PHI and is treated in accordance with our strict confidentiality policies and federal and state laws designed to maintain privacy, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
For questions regarding the HealthQuest program and credits, please call (785) 783-4080 or email