Contact Membership when you have questions about the membership administration portal, eligibility, new hires, termination, retirees, COBRA or spending accounts.
Enrollment Portals
Newly hired or newly eligible employees have 31 days from their first day of work, or becoming eligible, to enroll in benefits.
For newly hired employees, coverage will be effective on the first day of work.
For newly eligible employees, coverage will continue to be effective the first day of the following month unless the change is made on the first day of the month, then it is that day.
If you do not enroll by the deadline, you will not be eligible to enroll again until the next Open Enrollment period unless you experience a Qualifying Event which allows you to enroll. A Qualifying Event is a recognized family status change such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a dependent, death of a spouse or dependent, gain or loss of group benefits for a spouse or dependent.
A Qualifying Event enables you to make a coverage change during the middle of a Plan Year, provided the change is consistent with the family status change, and the request for the change is made within 31 days of the event and includes the required supporting documentation.
In addition to covering yourself, you may elect coverage for your eligible dependents. They include:
Your lawful spouse.
Your child(ren) or stepchild(ren) under the age of 26.
Note: In the event of a divorce, coverage for your former spouse and/or stepchild(ren) will end on the last day of the month in which the divorce is finalized. You must notify the SEHP when the divorce is final.
During enrollment, required documentation must be uploaded online through the Membership Administration Portal (MAP) to cover eligible dependents.
Log in to the Membership Administration Portal (MAP) using any browser like Chrome, Firefox or Edge. The portal opens October 1.
State or Non State Employer Group employees, go to:
Employees of ESU, KSU, KU, KUMC or PSU, go to: and select your university.
If this is the first time you are logging in or you have forgotten your password, please click the “Register Now” button. If you have previously registered and know your password, click the “Sign In” button.
Click on the Enrollments & Events tab to start your Plan Year 2024 Enrollment.
Once you have confirmed and submitted your elections, a pending elections statement will be sent to your registered email address as confirmation that your election is complete.
You may log into MAP as many times as needed during the Open Enrollment period to make changes. A pending election statement will be emailed to your registered email address each time an election is saved in the portal. The selection submitted as of 11:59 p.m. on October 31, 2023, will become effective January 1, 2024. Your approved elections will be viewable in MAP by December 1, 2023.
We recommend using your personal email rather than a state email address if possible.
All active State of Kansas (SOK) employees and Non State Group (NSE) employees who are currently enrolled, MUST make selections for Plan Year 2024. If you are currently enrolled and do not re-enroll, then your medical coverage will be defaulted to Plan N with your current medical carrier and an HRA for the employer contributions.
Members currently enrolled in the Vision plan only, will remain enrolled for 2024.
Members currently enrolled in the Dental plan only, will remain enrolled for 2024.
Due to changing vendors from The Hartford to MetLife, members enrolled in Voluntary Benefits Insurance, MUST RE-ENROLL in those plans for 2024.
Members currently enrolled in an FSA need to enroll annually to keep the accounts active.
Members who have waived coverage will remain waived.
There are two programs available to assist families on a limited income with paying for the health insurance costs of their children.
Each program has specific coverages options and income limitations.