State Employee Health Plan

2021 Naturally Slim Sessions

January 5, 2021

14:28 PM by Courtney Fitzgerald

The Naturally Slim Program teaches participants how to eat in a way that leads to measurable, sustainable weight loss and better health.

The philosophy of the program will help you lose weight below and above the neck, by taking away the mental load and stress surrounding “diets” and restricting food programs.

There are 4 sessions of Naturally Slim in 2021:

  • Session1 February 1-April 18 Registration: Opens January 4
  • Session 2 April 5 – June 20 Registration: Opens March 8
  • Session 3 June 7- August 29 Registration: Opens May 10
  • Session 4 August 16- October 31 Registration: Opens July 19

You can enroll and participate in one session throughout the year, and will be awarded 10 HealthQuest credits for completing the first 10 weeks of the program. 

The first session starts February 1, and registration opens January 4, 2021.

Click here to apply for session 1!

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