State Employee Health Plan

Cerner Coaches Corner: Be Merry and Mindful this Holiday Season

January 5, 2021

14:31 PM by Courtney Fitzgerald

The holidays can bring as much stress as they do joy, especially because holiday plans may look different this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Being mindful can give you perspective and decrease some of your stress. Take a moment this season to pause, relax, and practice these mindful tips to make your holidays a little brighter:

  • Accept imperfection. Before you start preparing for the holidays, acknowledge that things may not go exactly as planned. Imperfection is healthy and normal.
  • Remind yourself what really matters. When you start to feel overwhelmed, reflect on what you are grateful for.
  • Respond with kindness. You can’t change how others act during the stresses of the holiday season, but you can control how you respond to situations.
  • Rethink your resolutions. Setting smaller, realistic goals can help you feel a sense of accomplishment. Be kind to yourself if you fall short, and pick your goals back up without guilt or shame.

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