State Employee Health Plan

March: A Note From Your Health Coach

April 13, 2021

15:07 PM by Courtney Fitzgerald

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and health. But most people can benefit from eating more fruits and vegetables. It's a great way to add color, fiber, vitamins, and minerals to your diet. Here are the top 5 reasons you should add fruit and vegetables to your diet:

  • Full of the good. Fruits and vegetables provide many beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and more.
  • Free of the bad. Fruits and vegetables typically contain no trans fat, low saturated fat, and very little to no sodium. The natural sugars they contain don't affect your health the same way added sugars do.
  • Won't weigh you down. Fruits and vegetables tend to be low in calories, so they can help you manage your weight while still filling you up. Replacing higher-calorie foods with fruits and vegetables is an easy first step to a healthier eating plan.
  • Super flexible superfoods. All forms of fruits and vegetables can be part of a healthy diet. This includes fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. They can be eaten raw, cooked, whole, or chopped. Find your favorite way to prepare them!
  • A whole-body health boost. A healthy eating plan rich in fruits and vegetables can help lower your risk for many serious and chronic health conditions.

Eating a well-balanced diet with nutritious foods is a great step toward better health. Consider scheduling a Health Coaching session on your HealthQuest portal for more tips about developing healthy habits.

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