State Employee Health Plan

Wondr Health

Wondr Health Formerly NS Logo

About Your Benefits

NS Kansas Promo 2020


Wondr Health, formerly Naturally Slim, is a weight management program available to Active Employees and Spouses covered by the State Employee Health Plan, or benefits-waived employees.

Wondr is a clinically-proven program that teaches the behavioral science of how to eat your favorite foods so you can lose weight, sleep better, gain energy, and so much more.

There are 4 sessions of Wondr in a plan year. Members can enroll and participate in 1 session of Wondr per plan year, and are awarded 10 HealthQuest credits for completing the first 10 weeks of the program (the “Skill Building” stage).

In the first 10 weeks, members are provided with video learning modules that provide a solid foundation of knowledge about healthy eating principles, and how to live a healthy lifestyle. An additional 42 weeks of Wondr are provided to enrollees free of cost. During this time, participants are provided with more in-depth learning modules, and ongoing support.

Click Here to Learn More About Wondr Health

2022 Class Sessions

Session 1 - February 7 - May 8 (Registration opens January 10)

Session 2 - April 8 - July 17 (Registration opens March 21)

Session 3 - June 20 - September 18 (Registration opens May 23)

Session 4 - August 15 - November 13 (Registration opens July 18)

Apply For Class Sessions Now

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